– November 2021 –
Environmental Impact Report
With all of the media coverage surrounding climate change, it can be easy to question if individual actions have a sizeable impact on our planet. However, with around 8 million pieces of plastic entering our oceans each day, it is more important than ever to make a difference.
The hospitality sector has a huge responsibility to lead the way in sustainable living, with consumer interest reaching a new high before the pandemic hit in 2019. As life gets back to normal, restaurants and cafes have the opportunity to encourage sustainable living and make a large impact on our planet in the process.
There are a variety of ways in which restaurants can help the environment and our Yurt restaurant is no exception. We have identified 3 key areas in the Yurt restaurant that we believe have the biggest impact on our environment:

Our Menu
Not only is our food completely delicious, it is also very environmentally sustainable. Most of our food is locally sourced, minimising delivery mileage and supporting local farmers and businesses, whilst the regular changes to our menu mean that only seasonal products are used, which is far more sustainable. Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, which is something that we take heavily into consideration when curating our menus. We offer a seasonal menu, which is predominantly vegetarian, but features some sustainable fish and responsibly sourced meat.
We cook all food to order from raw ingredients, meaning our wastage is negligible.

Wastage and Recycling
Recycling is a large part of the Yurt’s sustainability and there are many ways in which we manage our waste. Food packaging is either washed and reused or recycled correctly and any minimal food waste is composted and used on site. We use reusable blackboards for signs and cloth napkins that are washed to reduce paper wastage, however, replacing our paper menus with blackboards or a digital variant is being considered to help this further.

Lighting and Heating
Whilst most restaurants require extensive lighting, one of the main benefits of our Yurt is it uses almost exclusively natural light, all year round. The structure and canvas are built from natural materials and don’t require frequent replacements, whilst furniture and decorations are either custom built from reused materials or sustainably sourced. Despite the use of a log burner in winter, we plan to move to an air source heatpump and the majority of our electricity is made on site in a massive PV array on our barn roof.
As we continue to strive towards sustainability and improving our environment, there is always more we can do. Making seemingly small changes may feel inconsequential, however they have a much wider impact if we all apply them.