Social Outreach: Kenya

Nicholsons is very active in supporting The Trees in The Wild programme, based in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya. The programme forms part of the Enonkishu Conservancy, whose vision is one of culturally relevant and community-led conservation. Trees in the Wild is an ecological restoration project aimed at restoring degraded land within the Enonkishu Conservancy and beyond. The initiative aims to produce 100,000 seedlings throughout the first 10 years, supporting the local community and preserving biodiversity in an area that has been badly affected by deforestation.

Through current efforts, some successful ecological restoration has already taken place in various areas of Enonkishu. In January 2018, a small team of Nicholsons employees visited the area, working with locals to set up the project by building a tree nursery and fencing around it. This tree nursery was named The Wild Shamba Nursery and will prove to be a key resource for three individual projects being carried out as part of Trees in The Wild. It is staffed and managed solely by women who are employed by the Women’s Project – a socio-economic empowerment initiative for women in the surrounding community.

The primary objectives of the projects are:

– To restore biodiversity.
– To improve livelihoods.
– To create extraordinary guest experiences.

About the Projects

About the Projects

There are several projects currently underway in the Maasai Mara, from the tree nursery led by women to supporting tree planting all around the region and the School’s Coexistence Programme, which educates children about the value of conservation. Learn about all the projects through the button below.

Primary Achievements

Primary Achievements

Over recent years, the various projects that we have been involved with have had a huge impact on the Maasai Mara region and the locals who call it home. The infographic through the button below details some of the standout goals of the projects and what has been achieved so far.

House in the Wild

House in the Wild

These projects all form part of the Enonkishu Conservancy, which focuses on culturally relevant and community-led conservation in the Maasai Mara. Videographer Ieuan Rose has perfectly captured the aims of the project and the impact that he has had so far in the video shown through the button below.

A Video Update From Our Last Trip

In March, some of our team travelled to the Maasai Mara, Kenya, to visit the Women in the Wild project, situated within the Enonkishu Conservancy.

During their trip, they had the privilege of visiting two of the local primary schools that the Women in the Wild are partnered with and that Nicholsons have been supporting over the years.

The team were also set to work in the Wild Shamba (organic kitchen garden) where they planted tree seedlings and helped to rearrange the tree nursery.

We are so grateful to have had an incredibly special trip and are continually proud to be friends of Women In The Wild 🌳

Here are just a handful of highlights 💚