Contemporary Barn

Contemporary Barn This generously sized garden surrounding a modern barn conversion originally lacked character and any sense of continuity. The new garden design uses a stylish wooden pergola and planting to add a much-needed sense of place to the large open stone terrace. There is also a new elevated relaxed lounge seating area which allows the client and their family to enjoy lovely views in Read more »

A Family Home

A Family Home I cannot tell you the joy of seeing a Land Rover make its way from the city through the snow to this sleepy Cotswold village and four charming kids erupt from the back and charge through the garden barefoot…well not quite but certainly no shoes! This peaceful hideaway has charming architecture which is brought to life with the simplest of front gardens. Read more »

The Hanging Gardens

The Hanging Gardens This beautiful south facing garden frustratingly also sloped west to the main Oxford Banbury Road allowing sound to ricochet up into this private garden. The design concentrated on celebrating the southerly views while creating barriers against the western traffic noise. The garden has a formal charm which supports the stunning Edwardian architecture Read more »

Farmhouse Garden Restoration

Farmhouse Garden This beautiful property was a derelict farm yard with only the remnants of the original garden layout. Our plans allowed for the gardens to wrap around a courtyard of stunning farm buildings made into the most beautiful contemporary living space. Our client is passionate about colour in the garden and loves variety in planting. The garden has an inner courtyard, planted with exuberant Read more »

The Lodge

The Lodge Situated on the edge of a World Heritage Site this house was restored and extended to provide a family home with a garden for entertaining, playing and relaxing. Nicholsons designed and built the whole garden, coordinating with the swimming pool contractor and main contractor during the build. The garden includes a tennis court, stable and kennel block, fire bowl area and thatched shelter, Read more »

The Country Hall

The Country Hall The front façade of this beautiful C17th Cotswold Hall was eclipsed by mature yew hedges planted in parallel lines in front of the house. For this garden restoration we transplanted the mature yew and developed a formal garden around the building. The house now sits in open parkland with close borders and simple topiaries to give winter interest. The north lawn is Read more »