Natural Capital Appraisal – Brudenell Estates
A bespoke natural capital approach was developed for the Deene Park estate team and their advisors. This outlined the opportunities and risks linked with the estate’s key objectives and existing strategic plan.
In working with the estate, we collated data from the estate’s own records, combined with the wider land management data sets across the whole suite of natural capital assets. For example: soils and land uses, woodlands and habitats, water and flooding, existing funding schemes, population, access, culture, and history.
Using this data, together with land management inputs, we were able to evaluate the key environmental services in terms of opportunity and current monetisation of opportunities.
This was then followed through to detailed planning and budgeting of key opportunities to ensure that the estate was effectively prepared to open conversations and develop future environmental projects.

“We worked closely with the Nicholsons team to develop a suite of detailed plans, natural capital matrices and financial models, that were focused on our specific situation and highlighted clearly those opportunities that we felt would be key to securing the estate’s financial future. This information has proved very helpful to the Trustees and will undoubtedly be invaluable in guiding estate decisions as our environmental assets become more and more important.”
Mark Coombs, Former Resident Agent for Brudenell Estates