Achieving Planning Consent For A Broad Scheme In Oxford
Site: Court Place Gardens, Iffley
Client: Oxford University Development Ltd
Departments Involved: Ecology

Nicholsons provided ecological support to a new 71 home residential development in Iffley, Oxford, replacing 36 existing properties used as student accommodation.
Key constraints on the site were roosting bats, including a pipistrelle maternity roost and several day roosts, an active badger sett. The development also required biodiversity net gain. Working closely with the client the need for a mitigation strategy for the ecological constraints on the site was identified. Planning consent was successfully granted in July 2022.
The scheme is currently under construction under granted licences from Natural England, due for completion in 2023.
Court Place Gardens was a complex of 36 terraced houses used formerly as student accommodation, although largely vacant by the start of our involvement in 2020. It was constructed originally within the grounds of a large manor house with mature gardens and historic interest and is located adjacent to the River Thames.
The client engaged Nicholsons as the ecologists for the redevelopment of the complex to provide 71 new affordable housing units with associated infrastructure and landscaping.
Following a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and a suite of further ecological surveys, various ecological constraints were identified on the site including several bat roosts (including a common pipistrelle maternity colony), an active badger sett and an adjacent local nature reserve. The project also had to achieve a minimum 5% net biodiversity gain following local planning policy.
What We Did
Nicholsons worked closely with the client to maximise the biodiversity potential of the scheme, including retention of the higher value areas where possible and creating new (high scoring) areas in site landscaping such as wildflower-rich grassland, green roofs, rain gardens and scrub planting.
A 10.85% net gain was achieved for the proposals, together with wider biodiversity benefits integrated with the scheme design. We also liaised with the council and local interest groups to satisfy any concerns raised regarding the proposed development. Following consent, we then secured Natural England licences for bats (under the new Earned Recognition scheme) and badgers to allow the development to progress.

The scheme is currently under development, with licenced works completed in late summer-autumn 2022.
- Helped secure planning consent and discharge conditions.
- Helped to liaise with residents to resolve any potential concerns.
- 10.85% net gain achieved.
- Natural England bat licence granted under the Earned Recognition system.
- Licenced badger sett closure.