Our team of Chartered Foresters and Surveyors pride themselves on being some of the best in the country, offering practical and solution-orientated advice and support to landowners and farmers.
From shooting rights to timber harvesting our consultants can advise on what opportunities would work best for your woodlands, and with the development in industry grants and funding opportunities can provide advice and assistance with your applications, from Forestry Commission grants to woodland carbon registration and biodiversity, ensuring that your woodland enterprise is as financially secure and affordable as possible.
Woodland Management
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Woodland Management Planning Grant
This grant is a one-off payment to support the creation of a 10-year Woodland Management Plan, funded by the RPA. Applications are open year-round, with 3 years to write and have the plan approved by the Forestry Commission (FC) from the agreement start date.
Land and applicants must be registered with the RPA; minimum application size is 3 ha, with a minimum woodland block size of 0.5 ha
Payment rates are as follows:
3 to 50 hectares – Flat rate of £1,500
51 to 100 hectares – Flat rate of £1,500 for the first 50 ha, plus additional £30/ha up to and including 100ha
More than 100 hectares – Flat rate of £3,000, plus additional £15/ha over 100ha
Click here for more information.
CS Higher Tier – Woodland Improvement (WD2)
The CS Higher Tier Woodland Improvement scheme is a 5-year scheme that is aimed at supporting the biodiversity of woodland and to make it more resilient to climate change, through active management of many parts of your woodland. Eligible activities include thinning, ride widening, open space creation and creating deadwood habitat. A valid, FC approved WMP is required to obtain any grant support through WD2, as well as the registration of the applicant and land with the RPA. Applications are only available for submission within a certain window, generally between February and April.
There is a minimum area requirement of 3ha (or if your woodland is a Site of Special Scientific Interest) and a minimum woodland block size of 0.5 Ha.
The WD2 option payment rates are as follows:
Between 3ha – 10ha £1000 per year (flat rate)
More than 10ha £100 per ha per year
Introduced in 2022, there are also additional supplement payments that are compatible with the WD2 option. These are:
- WS1 Deer control and management; achieve effective deer management, where deer have been identified as a threat to semi-natural woodlands, regeneration and/or where deer browsing negatively impacts on woodland features, ground flora or structure: £90/ha
- WS2 Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) – restoration and maintenance; restore and maintain plantations on ancient woodlands sites: £70/ha
- WS3 Squirrel control and management; to manage the population of invasive grey squirrels and help increase the population of native red squirrels: £50/ha
- WS4 Access for people; enable permissive access (by foot) across the whole woodland to increase the wellbeing of the public, where access to the woodland is currently limited: £50/ha
There are other supplement options that are compatible with both WD2 and other grant options.
There are many capital items and options that are compatible with this grant, such as stock fencing, habitat boxes and deer high seats. You can also obtain funding for woodland infrastructure, as part of the Woodland Infrastructure grant (FY2), as well as funding for Squirrel traps/maintenance (FY3) and scrub control on difficult sites (SB2).
Click here for more information.
CS Higher Tier, Mid Tier and Capital Items
There are many other Countryside Stewardship grants available for a wide variety of environmental and agricultural practices and items. These are classed into three types:
- Higher Tier – complex environmental management schemes which offer significant benefits to high-priority areas. Options include WD4 Management of lowland wood pasture and parkland and WD8 Creation of successional areas and scrub.
- Mid Tier – a scheme for the majority of farmers and land managers to help protect and enhance the environment. Options include UP1 Enclosed rough grazing and GS6 Management of species-rich grassland.
- Capital items – stand alone or one off/one time payments under the following categories: boundaries, trees and orchard, and water and air quality. Options include TE8 Tree guard (wood post and wire) and BN7 Hedgerow gapping-up.
Click here for more information.
Woodland Creation
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England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)
The Forestry Commissions flagship woodland creation grant, the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) provides financial incentives to landholders to plant new woodlands on their land. As per other government grants, the application and land must be registered or in the process of being registered with the Rural Payments Agency before you can receive the grant. Unlike other woodland grants, EWCO is open year round for applications; with a turnaround of between 4-6 months by the FC, we suggest submitting your application early as possible to ensure approval prior to your preferred planting year.
The minimum total application area is 1ha, with a minimum block size of 0.1ha and width of 20m (with the exception of riparian buffers and shelterbelts, which can have a minimum width of 10 metres).
Below is a small summary of key EWCO figures and payment rates:
- £10,200/ha maximum cap – capital items including trees, tubes, fencing and gates
- £350/ha flat rate – annual maintenance payment rate for 10 years
- Capital items: Supply and Plant Tree- £1.72, Individual Tree Shelter- £2.43, Deer Fencing- £9.00/m, Vehicle Deer Gate- £749.63, Pedestrian Deer Gate- £475.44
Additional Contributions – if your application area falls within specific mapped areas (see here), you are eligible to claim further financial aid, subject to certain species and stocking specifications
- Nature recovery – High: £2,800/ha (Only one of the Nature Recovery rates will apply to any one area)
- Nature recovery – Medium: £1,100/ha
- Water quality: £400/ha
- Flood risk management: £500/ha
- Riparian buffers: £1,600/ha
- Close to settlements £500/ha
- Access £2,200/ha
Click here for more information.
Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG)
The Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) provides funding for the preparation of a woodland creation design plan, which can then form the basis of a EWCO application. Available year round, the minimum total application area is 5ha, with minimum block size of 0.5ha.
There are two stages and three payment rates to the grant:
- Stage 1 – Desk based searches – Flat rate £1000: identify any constraints or opportunities with the scheme, such as archaeological features, protected species and existing habitat. You use this stage to identify any elements that would require further specialist surveys and apply for a supplementary payment (see further details below).
- Stage 2 – Design plan – £150 per hectare (minus the initial payment): creation of maps and plans that take into account constraints and opportunities identified in Stage 1. Maps include a Design concept plan and Site appraisal plan.
- Supplementary payments – 70% of actual costs: if Stage 1 searches reveal that a more specialist survey is required to inform the design of the woodland, quotes are to be gathered for the relevant surveys and assessments. Surveys include Habitat and species surveys and Historic and cultural assessments
Schemes are capped at £30,000 in total. If your application is under 10 Ha, a minimum payment of £500 will be paid at stage 2 to cover the creation design plan costs.
Click here for more information.
HS2 Woodland Fund (HS2WF)`
The HS2 Woodland Fund (HS2WF) provides support for woodland creation and Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) Restoration within a 25-mile zone of the Phase One HS2 route.
Woodland Creation (WC)
Applications for WC are now completed through the EWCO scheme; capital and maintenance payments are made by HS2 Ltd, whilst EWCO will still fund any Additional Contributions. Applicants will be notified of this through their EWCO agreement offer and will have the option to opt out of receiving funding from HS2 Ltd if desired. As per standard EWCO, applications are open year-round. The main condition for payment by HS2 Ltd is that all proposed species are native.
Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) Restoration
This capital funding is for the restoration of PAWS areas at 100% of the standard costs for eligible activities. There are no caps on the amount of funding a project can receive.
The HS2 Woodland Fund is open year-round but PAWS restoration applications will be assessed four times per year. You have one planting season to complete your project.
Applications will be considered where the felling has already taken place and your HS2WF proposed species will better improve the environmental outcome compared to the existing restocking conditions. For example, if the restocking species on the felling licence are for non-native trees, the FC will approve your HS2WF application that includes native and/or honorary broadleaves to replace your felling conditions.
There are several eligibility requirements for the scheme:
- A valid WMP and correct felling permissions must be approved or approved in principle prior to application submission.
- There are no existing land management grant schemes on the application area.
- Minimum application size: 0.5ha
- Felling coupe size: 0.1ha-2ha
- Stocking density: 1,100 – 2,500 st/ha
- Species mix – minimum of 80% native species, 20% honorary broadleaves.
Funded capital items include:
- Tree restocking and shelters
- Protective items, such as fencing and gates
- Natural flood management items, such as leaky dams
- Pest control items, such as squirrel traps and deer high seats.
Click here for more information.
Tree Health
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Woodland Tree Health Grant
The Woodland Tree Health grant (WTH) is a CS Capital grant that supports the removal and restocking of trees due to a tree health issue. Applications are open year-round and, as per other capital items, is a one off payment; you have three years from the agreement date to complete and claim the various works. Applicants and the land must be registered with the RPA to be eligible for this grant. It is compatible with most other CS grants; land that is not eligible includes developed land and hard standing, any work which is already required an existing scheme or is a breach of the conditions of the existing agreement and any land within the HS2 route safeguarding zone.
There are two main elements within this grant:
Restoration – restocking woodlands after a felling due to Phytophthora infected larch or sweet chestnut and/or sweet chestnut infected with blight or Chalara infected ash.
The minimum application area is 0.25 ha, with a minimum woodland block size of 0.1 ha.
All available items are at standard CS capital rates, with the following area payment cap rates:
- Native tree species – Ancient Woodland: £6,000 per ha
- Native tree species – Other Woodland £4,720 per ha
- Non-native tree species – Other Woodland: £3,850 per ha
- Non-native tree species – Ancient Woodland: £3,000 per ha
These rates are based on choice of restocking species; the combination of replanting native species on Ancient Woodland has the largest area payment cap.
Improvement – removal of trees and Rhododendron with either Phytophthora ramorum, Phytophthora pluvialis or Phytophthora kernoviae.
No area threshold, but agreement value must be worth at least £500
Capital items available for this part of the grant:
- SB1 Felling diseased trees – £375 and £2,424.20 per ha: depending on method of removal, stem diameter and % ground cover.
- SB6 Rhododendron Control – £3,500 and £5,500 per ha: dependent on the slope of site and rhododendron height.
Click here for more information.
Tree Health Pilot Scheme
This is an invitation grant scheme for owners and managers of existing woodlands, to help deal with tree pests and diseases.
Pests and diseases including:
- Larch with Phytophthora ramorum
- Spruce growing in the high-risk eight-toothed spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) area: see map of demarcated area
- Sweet chestnut with Phytophthora ramorum or sweet chestnut blight
- Oak with oak processionary moth (OPM) in the established area – see map of the Established Area within London and the South East
- Ash with ash dieback.
You’ll usually be invited to take part in the pilot because you’ve been contacted by a Forestry Commission woodland officer. However, you can still apply for the THP scheme without an invitation.
You may be invited to apply by a Forestry Commission woodland officer because you have a specific tree, pest or disease on your land. For example, you might have a Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN) for trees infected by one of the specified pests or diseases.
Trees or woodland must be in one of the following regions: North West, West Midlands, South East, London – please see the FC Area and Woodland Officer boundaries map for confirmation
Eligible woodland areas have to cover at least 0.5 hectares, be at least 5 metres high, or will grow to this height and have a crown cover of more than 20% of the ground area.
Eligible trees outside woodland have to cover an area of less than 0.5 hectares. For example, trees in hedgerows, along a road or in parks.
Minimum application value is £500.
Please click here for more information.
Felling Licences
With any work the requires tree felling of more than 5m³, a felling license will need to be given by the Forestry Commission. Works that require a licence include thinning, clearfelling, felling of individual trees and felling to create open space. If applying for the various woodland grants, ensure that there is a correct licence in place for the works.
Nicholsons can act as an agent on behalf of landowners/ tenants to work through this process and has many years of expertise to offer to clients in this regard.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a tree or have any enquiries relating to your woodland assets, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.
For more information relating to felling licenses, please follow this link.
“As I rapidly increase the number of woodland and forestry capabilities on farm, I continue to place my full trust in Nicholsons to deliver the highest quality service, both in field and regarding advice, licensing and documentation support. I would recommend them any day of the week to any one.”
“Firstly let me acknowledge what Nicholson’s have achieved in bring us all together and then delivering on their part of the agreement so professionally and efficiently despite the various issues that have been overcome without any due fuss or detriment to the objective.
Your team of Sam, Simon, Clara, Claudia and George were exemplar and I would ask that you please pass on the thanks and appreciation from all of us at Morgan Sindall for being true ambassadors for the project as well as your business. I would be remiss if I did not save special recognition for Liz and her boundless efforts to facilitate the project, Charlotte for her attention to detail and yourself for delivering with passion and commitment, for myself playing a small part alongside you has been a real bonus for me and an honour.
I do look forward to us all remaining committed to the woodlands being a success and perhaps pioneering other projects where we can work side by side and create not only legacies but places for fun and the betterment for all.”
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