Become a friend of Wicken Wood in order to receive permissive access and regular updates.
Friends of Wicken Wood
To become an official friend of Wicken Wood please read through the text below and fill out the form at the bottom.

Please follow the ‘’Country Code’’
When in these woodlands please comply with the following guidance and code of conduct;
- Please respect this Woodland
- Please DO NOT take anything from these woodlands
- Please DO take photographs
- Keep to the waymarked paths
- Take any litter home with you
- Clear up after your dog and keep dogs under close control
- Follow advice and Local signs
Rules for members of Friends of Wicken Wood (FoWW)
- Permissive path for members of FoWW
- Please keep to the permitted and waymarked paths
- Access is permitted from 90 minutes post dawn to 90 minutes pre dusk
- Permissive access to the wood may be closed on specific days (notified on the website)
- Report any anti-social behaviour (form available on the website or contact Justine / Brian)
- Please follow the Code of Conduct
The Landowner has allowed permissive access over this land known as Wicken Wood.
In so doing the Landowner accepts no responsibility or liability for injury caused by misuse of this privileged access.
In so creating this permissive path it should be made clear that it does not constitute a right of way
People using this woodland do so at their own risk.
People using this woodland should obey all signs whether permanent or temporary
The Landowner excepts no liability for injury or loss caused by:
- Any natural feature of the landscape, including any tree, shrub, plant river, steam
- Any ditch or pond, whether natural or not
People passing over, under or through a wall, stile, fence or gate
Woodland operations in general but including the use of hand held equipment and machinery and tractor units

Become a Member
Fill out the form below to become an official Friend of Wicken Wood. By completing the form you agree to conform to the points detailed above.