Building with Nature to Gain a Competitive Advantage
Author: Harriet Smith, Landscape Department
What is Building with Nature
Building with Nature (BwN) is the UK’s first green infrastructure benchmark which provides a framework for the creation of high-quality places with an environmental focus.
Schemes can gain BwN accreditation by demonstrating that excellent quality green infrastructure is placed at the heart of the development. The award recognises that holistically designed green infrastructure produces multiple benefits, including enhanced wellbeing for visitors, climate resilience, sustainable water management and wildlife enhancement.
Applications for BwN accreditation can be made at any stage of the planning process. At planning and design stage, developers can apply for Design Award accreditation. At ‘full’, ‘reserved matters’ stage or following completion, full award accreditation can be applied for.

Thrapston Case Study (IM Properties)
The site at Thrapston extends to 58.30 Ha and is located to the west of the small town of Thrapston in Northamptonshire. The aim of the project was to develop an extension to an existing industrial area with a strong green infrastructure focus and benefits to the surrounding community.
Nicholsons role within the project encompassed landscape architecture, ecology, arboriculture and as BwN assessors.
The development design was informed by the BwN framework from the outset. As a result, a mosaic of different habitats has been proposed throughout the development. These include connected areas of woodland planting/buffers, native shrub and scrub areas, hedgerows, wildflower meadow and grassland areas, wetland and marginal habitats within the vicinity of the proposed swales and attenuation basins, orchard spaces and amenity landscape areas. These provide a variety of habitat types as well as public assets. They also constitute a marked improvement in overall green infrastructure value upon the existing intensively farmed arable landscape that currently exists.
As a result of the innovative green and blue infrastructure proposals, the site at Thrapston achieved BwN Design Award accreditation in March 2023 and was the first scheme in the East Midlands to do so.

Langleybury Film Hub (Ralph Trustees Limited)
Langleybury Film Hub, located near Kings Langley in Hertfordshire, is a 63-hectare site, including a Grade II* Listed mansion and former parkland. The vision for the site is to create a new centre for the film and TV industry which draws upon the rich history of the site and is developed sensitively within the surrounding landscape.
Nicholsons were brought into the project as green infrastructure advisors and BwN Assessors to assess the development against the BwN framework and provide advice to the client on design improvements to achieve the award.
Langleybury Film Hub achieved the BwN Design Award accreditation in October 2023. Central to this accreditation was a strong Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy which aimed to enhance the natural capital within the wider historic landscape by focusing on increased biodiversity, carbon capture and public accessibility.

Benefits of BwN for Developers
By undertaking a BwN led approach and assessment, developers can benefit in a multitude of ways.
Firstly, the BwN approach and accreditation can result in a greater probability of achieving planning permission. This is due to the BwN framework of evidence-based standards alongside clear links to Biodiversity Net Gain and the Local Plan environmental standards. The independent verification of quality by an external BwN assessor also legitimises the green infrastructure approach taken by developers and reduces the burden on planning officers.
As a result of this, there is also the potential to reduce the timescale to planning permission as the scheme has clearly demonstrated its environmental credentials to a creditable external body and therefore requires less scrutiny.
The BwN framework also provides a clear definition of high-quality green infrastructure across a range of themes which helps to guide the design process. This approach facilitates multifunctional, wildlife and community-led land use, allowing developers to deliver premium schemes that attract higher prices from buyers.
The increased company reputation and ability to clearly demonstrate sustainability credentials that come from undertaking BwN is a clear benefit. As policy changes continue to move towards an environmentally led approach, demonstrated by Biodiversity Net Gain recently coming into law and the impending SUDs requirements, it is imperative that developers be at the forefront of this change and BwN is the perfect place to start.
For further information and to discuss your projects, please contact Ian Dudley