Approaches to Garden Privacy
The challenge of creating privacy within a garden is frequently discussed with our clients. In the Nicholsons Garden Design Team, we encourage natural screening wherever possible, if not physical structures softened by greenery to limit any incoming line of sight or equally block an unwanted view on neighbouring land/property. The Design Team has summarised some key approaches to consider:
Trees & Hedges
Strategically placed trees are a brilliant way of creating privacy even in the smallest of gardens. Trees provide a multitude of positive qualities to the garden, whether positioned on the boundary or deeper within the garden. They can create privacy, shade or present a visual delight through their height and structure.
Depending on the species planted, they can provide seasonal interest, producing blossoms, berries or leaves that change colour. Trees also encourage wildlife into the garden, notably small birds, with branches and foliage forming safe spaces for pausing, nesting or feasting.
Hedges are another option, which can be staggered through the garden, to not only provide privacy but also create defined garden zones. Hedges don’t necessarily need to be tall to achieve the desired effect if positioned strategically. An additional benefit of hedges is how they can form leafy backdrops to herbaceous borders, lawns or terraces.
Our Plant Centre is fully stocked with an extensive range of trees and hedging options with experienced horticulturalists on site who can provide advice for planting, screening, species choice and more.

By Sam Halliday, Landscape Designer

Build Pergolas or Canopies
If you need screening from above, consider a pergola or some form of canopy. These structures can be designed to either completely block views from onlookers or partially screen, providing daylighting and dappled shade.
We have designed many different types of pergola structures over the years for clients, depending on their brief, be it for privacy, pool-side protection from the sun or on a terrace.
We typically promote using natural materials such as timber for their construction so that they can weather and start to blend into the landscape. Climbers can be trained up and over structures to soften and provide interest through flowers or stem structure.

Varied Planting & Garden Zoning
Creating zones in your garden creates a journey and defines different areas of interest or use. You may want a croquet lawn viewed from all sides, but a private dining terrace, kitchen garden or secluded romantic fire pit space. The brief for the extent of privacy varies between each zone.
Introducing herbaceous border planting or topiaries pruned to varying heights not only provides an interesting border with year-round interest and structure but can also be a perfect solution to subtly create privacy between garden zones or from onlooking neighbours alike.
This approach, combining trees, hedges and garden structures will not only help to create privacy but start to define and form a complete garden. The Garden Design and Landscapes teams can help you explore, create and construct the perfect garden for your home.

If you would like to speak to a member of our Garden Design team about creating a garden for relaxation and privacy, contact