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Quality ornamental trees

Nicholsons have built an enviable reputation as growers and producers of a very wide range of high quality ornamental trees. We offer a hundreds of species in a variety of sizes, with something of interest in all seasons.  Our horticulturalists are here to advise, where needed, to help you find the right tree for your garden.

Our Ornamental Tree Range

Our extensive range of Ornamental Trees is competitively priced, and of absolutely the best quality.  It includes Acer (maple), Betula (birch), Crataegus (hawthorn), Malus (crab apples), Prunus (cherries), Sorbus (mountain ash) etc. For our full range of Ornamental Trees and current availability see prices and availability.

The Ornamental Trees we sell include the following ranges, and more:

  • 12 – 15 litre container size with prices from £42 (a well grown, young tree around 4-5ft tall on average – but of course species dependent)
  • 30 – 35 litre size with prices from £84.00 (our own grown trees, about 2-3m tall on average)
  • 12 – 14cm girth size from £150 (a more mature size of tree)

How To Buy Our Ornamental Trees

Our horticulturalists and retail team will be happy to help you find the right tree, if you need advice.  It may be you want to find the right leaf or flower colour, or want to be sure it’s the right tree for the planting location you have.  Our team are more than happy to assist .  If you find the tree(s) you want, you can simply take them home straight away.  If they’re too big for your vehicle, we can arrange a delivery for you, or, once paid for, can hold them until you can collect them in a few days time.

Need someone to advise you in more detail?

Choosing which Ornamental Trees to buy can be daunting. Here at Nicholsons we have fully trained staff to help.  You can bring along photographs, to help us advise you.  But if you feel you need more advice, we offer a consultancy service where a trained horticulturalist can visit your garden or planting site and give you more detailed and specific guidance.  If you are interested in our consultancy service, please contact the Plant Centre on 01869 340342.

And finally, having planted your new tree you need to consider aftercare and we are, of course, happy to advise on this too – weed control, pruning, pests and diseases.


We have a wide range of trees and hedges in stock, if you would like to discuss an order, please contact us.

  •    01869 340342 (Option 1)