
At Nicholsons, we are deeply committed to our core values and the strength of teamwork. We prioritise creating a supportive and encouraging environment for every member of our team, ensuring their enjoyment and fulfillment in their work. This extends beyond our daily operations to encompass our commitment to environmental and community action, aimed at improving the quality of life both locally and globally.

As a business, we have set high environmental standards and have made significant strides in achieving our goals across various areas. Recognising the importance of natural resources which we work with daily, we strive to be as environmentally conscious as possible. We actively stay updated on evolving technologies and consider education a vital aspect of community development. Our support for Forest Schools and other projects enables children to further their development within educational settings.

Sharing knowledge is a core value at Nicholsons, which is why we actively participate in projects that align with our expertise. In an increasingly complex world, having clear aims and aspirations is essential. As a team, we are motivated to achieve them. By upholding our environmental aims, supporting our community and fostering a culture of continuous learning, we are dedicated to making a positive impact and driving positive change.

Our Environment

What we do for the environment

  • We have collaborated with the RHS and designing a green design audit tool that will help all designers working in garden design and landscaping deliver projects with careful thought given to carbon, biodiversity and sustainability
  • In the last 20 years, we have helped plant over 10 million trees and shrubs
  • We recycle all of our water, upwards of 10,000m3/pa
  • We recycle 95% of all our waste
  • Our nursery at North Aston is plant healthy
  • We source UK plants where possible to minimise our imports from the continent
  • We sell in taupe pots so that our pots can be recycled
  • Our bagged compost is now peat-free and we have reduced our peat usage on the nursery
  • We recycle 100% of wood and green waste
  • We have a biomass boiler that produces all of our heat and hot water for our offices

Our ERA award focusses on four levels; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. We have developed an in-house rating scheme that allows us to decide which award a garden deserves. We aim for a Bronze Award as a standard for all gardens that we build/design.

Our Community

Our community efforts include

  • Building and supporting new and existing Forest School projects, including:
    • Pegasus First School, 2009 Wild Area, 2010 Allotments, 2011 Social Play Area
    • Rose Hill School, 2016
    • Westfield School, 2017
    • Dry Sandford, 2019
    • St Francis, 2019
    • Shurdington, 2021
    • Swindon Academy, 2022
    • Wood Farm, 2022
    • Yardley Gobion Primary, 2022
  • Setting up a tree nursery in Kenya growing 15,000 seedlings per year
  • Host Forest Canopy Foundation a not for profit to accelerate tree planting in the UK

We collaborate with the Berkeley Reafforestation Trust to fund and build the Forest School projects. In addition to building the Forest School environments, we also support the schools by maintaining the environment after it has been built. This ensures longevity of the project and enables further development.

Our Values


Using our knowledge and imagination to create dedicated projects of beauty, originality and sustainability.


We work for our clients and associates with wholehearted commitment, enthusiasm and integrity.

Passion for our Planet

Our impact upon the planet is at the forefront in all we do. Our work is undertaken with respect and consideration for the present and future health of the environment.


At Nicholsons, we are deeply committed to our core values and the strength of teamwork. We prioritise creating a supportive and encouraging environment for every member of our team, ensuring their enjoyment and fulfillment in their work. This extends beyond our daily operations to encompass our commitment to environmental and community action, aimed at improving the quality of life both locally and globally.

As a business, we have set high environmental standards and have made significant strides in achieving our goals across various areas. Recognising the importance of natural resources which we work with daily, we strive to be as environmentally conscious as possible. We actively stay updated on evolving technologies and consider education a vital aspect of community development. Our support for Forest Schools and other projects enables children to further their development within educational settings.

Sharing knowledge is a core value at Nicholsons, which is why we actively participate in projects that align with our expertise. In an increasingly complex world, having clear aims and aspirations is essential. As a team, we are motivated to achieve them. By upholding our environmental aims, supporting our community and fostering a culture of continuous learning, we are dedicated to making a positive impact and driving positive change.

Our Environment

What we do for the environment

  • We have collaborated with the RHS and designing a green design audit tool that will help all designers working in garden design and landscaping deliver projects with careful thought given to carbon, biodiversity and sustainability
  • In the last 20 years, we have helped plant over 10 million trees and shrubs
  • We recycle all of our water, upwards of 10,000m3/pa
  • We recycle 95% of all our waste
  • Our nursery at North Aston is plant healthy
  • We source UK plants where possible to minimise our imports from the continent
  • We sell in taupe pots so that our pots can be recycled
  • Our bagged compost is now peat-free and we have reduced our peat usage on the nursery
  • We recycle 100% of wood and green waste
  • We have a biomass boiler that produces all of our heat and hot water for our offices

Our ERA award focusses on four levels; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. We have developed an in-house rating scheme that allows us to decide which award a garden deserves. We aim for a Bronze Award as a standard for all gardens that we build/design.

Our Community

Our community efforts include

  • Building and supporting new and existing Forest School projects, including:
    • Pegasus First School, 2009 Wild Area, 2010 Allotments, 2011 Social Play Area
    • Rose Hill School, 2016
    • Westfield School, 2017
    • Dry Sandford, 2019
    • St Francis, 2019
    • Shurdington, 2021
    • Swindon Academy, 2022
    • Wood Farm, 2022
    • Yardley Gobion Primary, 2022
  • Setting up a tree nursery in Kenya growing 15,000 seedlings per year
  • Host Forest Canopy Foundation a not for profit to accelerate tree planting in the UK

We collaborate with the Berkeley Reafforestation Trust to fund and build the Forest School projects. In addition to building the Forest School environments, we also support the schools by maintaining the environment after it has been built. This ensures longevity of the project and enables further development.

Our Values


Using our knowledge and imagination to create dedicated projects of beauty, originality and sustainability.


We work for our clients and associates with wholehearted commitment, enthusiasm and integrity.

Passion for our Planet

Our impact upon the planet is at the forefront in all we do. Our work is undertaken with respect and consideration for the present and future health of the environment.

Impacts on Nature

At Nicholsons we have considered the upcoming responsibilities for Taskorce on Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and have used the Environmental Benefits from Nature (EBN) tool from Natural England to assess our impacts.

Our Carbon Maths

Carbon accounting is complex in a small to medium business.

At Nicholsons we measure and take responsibility for ALL our carbon impacts in scope 1 (fuel), scope 2 (electricity provider) and scope 3 (purchases). This is unusual as most companies stop at scopes 1 & 2.

At Nicholsons we have driven down our carbon account from 1500T to 947T / per year and continue to research methods to improve.

Our largest wins were using low carbon cement and HVO fuel.

For our residual carbon emissions, we offset in a rotational forest in Scotland where we sequester 947T per year on average and in our tree planting work in the Maasai Mara where we plant up to 10,000 trees per year. The carbon sequestration has not been measured here but we might expect over 100T per year.

Additionally, we are embarking on tropical forest renovation project in Kakamega in Kenya. This project, fully funded by Nicholsons, will have very high impacts on biodiversity and nature.

Why are we not registered with PAS 2060? We decided to offset with our friends in Africa where we have been involved in the Maasai community for over a decade.  Our project is run by Women in the Wild and has huge societal benefits alongside carbon and nature. We believe that carbon accounting must not be a tick box exercise but takes honest responsibility for our emissions and seeks to minimise our impact worldwide.

As a company, we work hard to minimise your project’s emissions.  Upon the completion of all landscaping and fencing projects, Nicholsons set aside funds to offset the project’s greenhouse gas emissions (expected cost of 0.1% of the project total).

Annoying fact: our highest emissions are in our fencing materials where we fence to protect establishing forests to optimise carbon sequestration – a home goal!

Please contact us if you would like to support our endeavour by making a similar contribution.

Impacts on Climate

Nicholsons have committed to achieving carbon neutrality in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by mid-2025; Scope 3 emissions by mid-2030.

Our emissions reductions to date have been achieved through adopting HVO fuel and electric vehicles, by heating our offices with woodchip boilers, generating much of our electricity from solar panels, and purchasing the rest from green energy providers.